25 October 2007

Very cool.

In the random browsing that I do, I came upon a website called Free Rice.

It's wonderful, especially for those studying for the GRE or people who like words. It's a vocabulary quiz, of sorts, but for each word you get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. So, basically, have fun, get smarter, and do some good!


Uttara said...

This is a great site! Thanks Milli!It keeps my brain cells exercised. I have shared this site with several of my friends.

Casey said...

That site is very, very addictive... I think I have a new means of procrastinating. Thanks Milli *grins*

joshwall said...

quite fun... even with the GRE done. It makes me think I could spend hours on this and take the GRE again... and then I think about having to take the GRE again... ugh.

Uttara said...

Hey Milli, I thought I should let you know that this site is the most popular at the school where I work. I shared it with a few teachers and they passed it on to their students. One class actually had computer time and they all visited the site. They had a great time, and also felt good about the donation. Thanks a lot!

milli said...

Mami, that's wonderful! I am so glad that teachers are liking this site -- it's a good addiction. =)